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Marketplace update

Categories: General

Dear players!

We are aware of how important Marketplace feature is for plenty of you. As you recall, the marketplace system abuse by some users has forced us to shut it down, which we did with a heavy heart. Many of you have been wondering what is the current status of marketplace issue, and when it will open its doors again.

We are happy to announce that marketplace will be open soon for registered users, those who have registered on our official website and use our official launcher.

However, marketplace will still not open yet for our Steam users, while we are working on anti-fraud solutions. It’s this fraud that we want to talk about today.

A lot of our players come from Steam, where you link your card to your account to purchase games and in-game items or currency. However, we have unfortunately uncovered quite a few cases of players using fraudulent (not-working/overdue/stolen) cards and thus abusing the marketplace system, which caused us to take action. Most of the processes are on Steam’s side, which prevents us from impacting them directly and results in the marketplace still being closed for Steam users.

To both and Steam users - please note that we will return all the items you put up for sale on the marketplace before we closed it.

We bring our sincere apologies and will continue working in order to provide equal game experience for all our community. Thank you for your understanding and your patience.


With all the respect,

Warface Team

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