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Basic controls

Movement and control
Basic controls

You can find all the basic control settings in the top menu bar:

Basic controls

Once clicked, a single window with multiple tabs will appear, but we will focus on the 'Controls' tab here. It allows you to check and redefine all key bindings in the game.

The default settings are as follows:

Forward W Shoot LMB Chat (all) Y
Backward S
Aim RMB Chat (team) U
Left A
Reload R Quick Chat Tab 1 F1
Right D Melee V Quick Chat Tab 2
Crouch Left CTRL Select primary 1 Quick Chat Tab 3
Jump Space Select secondary
2 Quick Chat Tab 4
Prone X Select melee
3 Vote Kick K
Sprint Left Shift Select special
5 Vote 'Yes' F5
Use E Select grenades
4 Vote 'No' F8
Slide F Switch to previous Q Minimap/Scoreboard Tab
Previous weapon Wheel down Screenshot F12
Next weapon Wheel up
Customize weapon C

Basic controls

If you wish to change any of the key settings, you can do that too here. Simply click the key you want to change...

... And press the new one on your keyboard. Warning: make sure the new key is not used to perform any other action; the conflicting keys will be highlighted in red if that happens:

Basic controls